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The Day of The Green Troops

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon

I was so taken aback the time when my geography teacher Mr.Sugeng told us that we had entered the 50 out of the 200 proposals sent to the British Council for the student climate challenge. What a surprise! We didn’t even know that we joined this challenge, but then he came up and told us that we had entered the 50 out of the 200!
So then, Mr. Sugeng asked the 10th and 11th grader students to be a part of the team for this student climate challenge project, then we will do some projects in order to win this competition.
Finally, we got 8 students to be a part of team. Our first plan was to researched the effectiveness of lidah mertua plant(Sansevieria trifasciata) in reducing pollution. We formerly planned to plant a few of the lidah mertua plant on a piece of land of the factories or industrial areas—about 1x3 meters—next to our school, to see its effect in reducing pollution. But then we found it as a rather slow action instead of “a fast and a fit one” action, so we changed our plan. Because our purpose was to alert and aware people about global warming issue, a way faster and surely the exact one, so we find the another better action. We found that meat consumption and livestock are the biggest causes of the green house effect, because of its methane contribution.
We need to be vegetarians to save this mother earth.
And our first step was: to make the vegetarian diet, as a new(and surely a lasting one) trend.
Finally, we planned to invite speakers from an NGO that concerned about global warming issues, then we held a discussion panel to discuss about a bound between vegetarian diet with the green house effect. Sooner, we held the panel discussion on Thursday, May 14th 2009. We took a fresh-smart-young guy named Mr.Yogen and Mr.Wayan from that NGO as the speakers of the discussion.
The discussion had gone very interactive and interesting. The students seems so “alerted” and even some of them said they wanna change their lifestyle into a green living, as a vegetarian. And they really are. Whether it’s a “starter packet” one… We won’t change if we didn’t go for those small things, will we? And today, the number of those “starter-pack-vegetarians” in our school are raising. The one follow another and so on. And I’m sure the number will keep growing. So I think our first step was kinda hit the nail on the head. The vegetarian trend filled the air with green spirit! We were surely but sure, gradually, make this green diet as a cool and lasting trend :)
Couple days later, we soaked the kids up in the school to join our masses for street campaign. Now, what is this for anyway? Well, we just realized that the others should be alerted, too. Just like what happened to us yesterday. A few people that change may prove great changes, but more people that change will surely prove even greater changes. So the next step was alerted more people, to make ‘em think, ponder, reflect, and change! Sooner, we planned what we will do for the street campaign.
Firstly, we designed our very-cool-ultimate-super “Be Vegetarian, Heal Global Warming!” banner, then provide a copy of fliers—yeah perhaps waste of papers, but those are surely recyclable! And don’t forget, we did it in order to alert people LOL—then preparing the formation for the street campaign!
After gathering those kids, we walked from school to the nearest stop to took the famous public transportation “angkot (angkutan kota/city transportation)” together, yeah we campaigned to take the public transportation instead of the private one, too! We stopped in front of a police station, next to an industrial area, a place that we choosed for campaigning. Then, we walked together in silence—it’s a silent action one—to the big road in front of those factories. Some of us stood in a line, on the road barrier, and unfold our cool banner. While some of the others stood on the both of the side roads, giving fliers to the truck drivers, riders and more. When we tried to give the flyer to the private drivers, they tend to pull their windows up. Yeah, we found ourselves behind the eight ball. Some of my friends yelled by truck drivers, mocking us that we were doing such a nothing. A driver even thrown money in my friend’s face! Such a peevish one... We felt so black and blue for our first campaign. But we kept on dig in and dig in, just wished them to be alerted and wake up!
Finally, we done. Then we mingled in a round, calm down ourselves, to express our feelings, like how hot Tangerang is, how peevish those drivers are, and how we feel so knackered! And so on. Yeah what happened in the last hours just like whatever! We realized that we got more. To make changes we’ve gotta make bleed first! And from that rendezvous, we got a name for this team: The Green Troops 
After the street campaign, we still did lots of thing. We held the second discussion panel, giving out mini books for people, and more. And surely, waiting for the rocket to launch. Wishing our rank would raise, raise and raise. We don’t care how good our competitors are, the most important is we gave our best shot. And then a teacher came up to me and asked, “You are 9th of the 10, aren’t you?” I was kinda, what the 9th is? Then he said it’s something from the British council, wow I was so caught in a fire, I hurriedly told my friends and then we run to our geography teacher. Shoot him with loads of question, did we got it, is it right, and stuff. Well, he calmly said it’s right then asking us to arrange the reports, what a surprise!
Well now I’m here, sharing you my story about our struggle for this competition. My friend tends is to be a resume, well I prefer to take this as a story.
Everyone of us has its own story, no matter how good, how bad they are. We should live each moment of our life. And to live it, what we need first is to dream it. And I think, for what we’ve done is a handful of “livin the dream together”. Perhaps it’s a cliche one, but if we could etch this cliche, it surely will be “something”. We maybe did a little action, perhaps nothing, but that’s what we could do.
Nevertheless, it’s just the story. It’s our story. And for the man and woman in front of this paper, with the humble of my heart, I hoped you like this troops’ story. Have a very nice green day! Thank you :)


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